Anacortes to Port Angeles

This is a test mail to see if I can update the blog via SSB radio.

Our trip from Anacortes to Port Angeles went well. After motoring a few hours, the wind picked up and we crossed the Strait of Juan de Fuca under sail. Apropos was well balanced with the Genoa, Main, and Mizzen out. We tried out the windvane (mechanical autopilot)with much success! It’s an older Fleming model but very well built. We decided to name him Ian (Ian Fleming–bond 007). So Ian steered us on course for a few hours close-hauled in 10 knt winds. Pulled into Port Angeles after dark around 10pm after motoring the final 2 hours into a headwind–very bouncy. Decided not to take a chance on snagging a log with anchoring and pulled into the dock. Up today at 4am and left by 4:20am to catch a nice ebb tide and currently 11nm west of PA motoring at 6knt with a beautiful sunrise. Should reach Neah Bay mid afternoon.
